Policies On Regulatory Reform Law Journal (PLJR) is a scientific jurnal that publishes articles in the area of legal policy as well as research findings, legal studies, and scientific discourse. This journal focuses on the field of legal policy, including correctional policy, immigration, laws and regulations, intellectual property, general law administration, human rights, development of national law, as well as administrative policies, supervision, and development of human resources in the field of law and human rights. Policies On Regulatory Reform Law Journal (PLJR) is looking for excellent articles that include both national and regional perspectives on legal and policy issues in general. The goal of this journal's publishing is to provide an overview of the implementation and discourse on the development of policy directions in the field of law and human rights at the national level in a global context. The Policies On Regulatory Reform Law Journal (PLJR) editorial board consists of academics and professionals who are competent in their fields. Articles are accepted year-round. Policies On Regulatory Reform Law Journal (PLJR) Published in January, May, and September, Policies On Regulatory Reform Law Journal (PLJR). is a double-blind review academic journal for Legal Studies published by CV. Era Digital Nusantara.

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